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China to set up platform on legal supervision
  pubdate:2020-09-13 10:31:45 printing word size: big | general | small

BEIJING -- Chinese top judiciary authorities have issued a guideline on setting up a national platform regarding the enforcement of rulings and legal supervision, according to the Supreme People's Court (SPC) on Sept 10.

The guideline, unveiled by the SPC and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, aims to improve the application of information technology and standardization in legal supervision by strengthening cooperation and information sharing between judicial organs through the platform.

The process of procuratorial supervision, including opinions put forward by procuratorates and the transferring of case information, can be handled on the platform.

Courts shall handle the suggestions made by procuratorates according to the law. If the case is complicated and controversial, a hearing shall be held and attended by personnel from the people's procuratorate at the same level.

The platform is expected to be put into use by 2021.


from:The Supreme People's Court of China http://english.court.gov.cn/2020-09/11/content_37539456.htm