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China's internet courts close 200,000 cases in three years
  pubdate:2021-06-01 15:49:00 printing word size: big | general | small

BEIJING -- China's three internet courts in Beijing, Hangzhou and Guangzhou have closed more than 200,000 cases since 2018, the Supreme People's Court (SPC) said on Monday.

In recent years, the number of internet-related cases in China has been increasing year by year, concerning new, complex and difficult legal issues, said the SPC.

By impartially adjudicating cases in accordance with the law, the courts have clarified rules for the development of the internet and digital economy and technological innovation, ensuring the healthy and orderly growth of the internet, said the SPC.

from:Xinhuanet http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-05/31/c_139981423.htm