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I Am A Party Member:Be a professional judge loyal to the people and love learning——Zhang Junbo, a judge of Case Filing Tribunal (Litigation Service Centre) of Tianjin Maritime Court
  pubdate:2021-09-23 09:30:10 printing word size: big | general | small

As a Party member and judge in the new era, we must stand firmly on the people's position, administer justice for the people, and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case. In the reception of each party and the trial of each case, whole-heartedness, hard work and dedication are not only to realize the professional pursuit as a judge, but also to work solidly for the great cause of the party, the country and the people.

This year is the tenth year as a judge for me. After ten years of exercises in the first-line trial position, there have been many changes. What remains unchanged is the habit and practice of putting myself in the position of thinking for the parties. Over the past decade, more than 50 ships have been seized, including more than 20 foreign ships. Whether it is detained or released, whether it is a domestic ship or a foreign ship, whether it is late at night or on holidays, it is completed at the first time when it meets the legal conditions without any delay because it is directly related to the legal right and economic interests of the ship and cargo. 

The complaint and petition division is the front line of litigation services. In the construction of one-stop multiple dispute resolution and litigation service system, I strive to master the application of various platforms for the litigation convenience of people, carry out mediation before litigation actively, and strive to provide high-quality, efficient and convenient litigation services for the parties. During the period of epidemic prevention and control, on a foreign ship arriving at Tianjin port to discharge cargo, the nucleic acid test of the second mate was positive. Subsequently, several crew members and relevant port staff were isolated. The ship stayed in the port for half a month, but was still unable to leave the port due to disputes such as berth fees. We actively coordinated with maritime, port and shipping, customs and other administrative authorities, and organized all parties to carry out online mediation. Finally, foreign shipowners submitted guarantees to the port and were able to leave the country quickly, avoiding possible delay in shipping schedule and default losses.

Difficult and complex cases are like pieces of grindstones. The facts that are difficult to distinguish between true and false and the legal provisions that summarize the principles are like the rough section of a grindstone. The process of solving problems is the process of constantly exercising the brain, and finally removing dross and keeping experience and wisdom. Judge is a profession combining theory with practice. A good judge is forged not only through learning but also tempering. I love the profession of judge. It urges me to study in all my life and improve continuously so as to fulfill my commitment to the party and the people --- serving the people wholeheartedly.


from:Tianjin Maritime Court