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Court held a press conference to release the Annual Report of Tianjin Maritime Court and typical cases
  pubdate:2024-05-14 15:55:03 printing word size: big | general | small

      On May 14th, Tianjin Maritime Court held a press conference to release the bilingual Annual Report of Tianjin Maritime Court 2023 and ten typical cases. Multiple mainstream media reporters attended the press conference.

  At the meeting, Shi Fuxin, spokesperson of the court, member of the party group and vice president, introduced the overall situation of the trial work of Tianjin Maritime Court in 2023.

Court will continue to make efforts in the "Ten Actions" to ensure high-quality service, continuously assist in promoting coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, earnestly practice the principle of justice for the people, deeply implement the strategy of maritime excellence, and grasp the governance of litigation sources. Court will also deepen and solidly serve the overall situation and the people, providing strong judicial services and guarantees for the high-quality development of Tianjin.

from:Tianjin Maritime Court